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Brudaga Drugs is a non-profit initiative developed by physicians from the University of Amsterdam Academic Medical Center, department of Cardiology, in collaboration with a panel of world-renowned experts on Brugada syndrome as an aid to physicians who treat patients with Brugada syndrome and as an aid to patients with Brugada syndrome and their families with the goal to provide free, worldwide accessible and up-to-date information on safe drug use in Brugada syndrome.
Brugada Phenocopy
Brugada Phenocopies (BrP) are clinical entities that have ECG patterns that are identical to true congenital BrS but are elicited by various other factors, such as myocardial ischemia, metabolic abnormalities, mechanical mediastinal compression and poor ECG filters. is an initiative developed by physicians at Queen’s University and Kingston General Hospital in Canada. This website was created to establish an online international database of Brugada Phenocopy (BrP) cases to allow for longitudinal follow-up of these conditions. The goal of this website is to develop a better understanding of the etiology, pathophysiology and the natural history of BrP.
Associations and non-profit organisations
The following is a list of people and associations who are tenaciously committed to the fight against sudden cardiac death, including through the culture of first aid, through the teaching of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation maneuvers and the use of the AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) and its spread in the territory:
IRC (Italian Resuscitation Council)
60MILAVITEDASALVARE. Progetto Vita Altomilanese
Insegniamo il BLS-D nelle scuole
Associazione culturale “Gianluca nel cuore”
Associazione ROBERTO PARDINI Onlus
Associazione Amici del Cuore di Conegliano e Vittorio Veneto